4M – Manic Monday Minute – School Files and Daily planners

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I am giddy with my new organizing toys..I mean tools

So this weekend I found myself with two girlfriends in Boston, MA for a Girl’s Weekend Reunion! We did the usual things: sightsee, go to museums, eat in good restaurants and shop!

My shopping inevitably has to involve finding products that help me (and ultimately my clients) get organized. So imagine my surprise when I found a store

dedicated to Franklin Covey materials. In Canada we do not have Franklin Covey STORES just different distributors. So
when I walked into this store and saw all the planners, calendars, purses, desk sets, magazine holders etc…I was in heaven.

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As I took in the plethora of choices: should I get a leather or cloth binder? Classic or compact? Which calendar system to use? Well, you can imagine how hard it was and with only 10 minutes of shopping time before the store closed. No need to panic, I tend to make good purchasing decisions when I am under pressure. I did what any self-respecting female would do: I choose

my favourite colour and went from there…I decided on the Green Tea, leather, compact folder with the Julie Morgenstern Organizing System…all of this and on sale too! Choosing the calendar layout was a no-brainder – Julie Morgenstern is a GURU in my industry. I like the two booklet system with two day view for each separate month and then a monthly view with goal trackers and notes in the opposite booklet.

But wait, I haven’t even told you about the best part of my shopping excursion… as I am ready to pay, I see on the counter beside the cash register the file folders I have been pining for (and didn’t even know it until I saw it on the counter)… Franklin Covey School.files™ from Buttoned Up.
Here is the product description:

Homework, class trips, extracurricular activities- staying on top of all the things your children participate in at school is a big job. Get some help with the Franklin Covey School.files™ from Buttoned Up. It is the perfect container for keeping all the information about their scholastic life at your fingertips. By Buttoned Up™.

Key Functional Features:

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  • Durable file folder with compartments for three children
  • Each compartment contains five folders: stuff to do, stuff to keep, stuff to return, fun stuff, and calendars
  • Lightweight construction and notebook size make it ultra-portable

Seriously, was someone looking at the pile I had just made, before my trip, of all the papers, forms, permission slips, trip information, contact information that I had for my three kids? Did someone know that I had three binders already neatly organized but need something else that would just sit on my desk to pick up the slack?

Franklin Covey School.files™ from Buttoned Up is the answer to my prayers. It is an accordion file folder with sections for all that STUFF. You can go through it periodically and purge the outdated information but keep the important information at your fingertips.

Three weeks into school and I already have a handle on all the stuff that they bring home. Do you?

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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for DownshiftingPRO.com and other online media outlets.