Paperbacks also sell but hardcover books are expensive therefore people love to get a deal on a great book. We asked $2-4 for hardcover books and got that price!
Toys that are in the original packaging is a bonus. Gently used toys that are clean and functioning go fast. Have batteries on had to test toys. Don't sell broken toys
You may have half-used bottles of paint, a hot glue gun, scrapbooking embellishments you will NEVER use or a box of popsicle sticks. Put those odds and sods into a ziplock bag and sell it as a package deal.
We had a set of 4 pictures on canvas, a friend sold a bigger decorative piece & our neighbour sold s framed Vincent Van Gough poster. Art sells because people love putting things on their wall!
The folks that tend to frequent garage sales can be old school sometimes so putting a CD in the car radio or watching a DVD instead of picking a movie ‘on-demand’ is easier. Vinyl records are also a hot commodity!
6. Power tools
A woman sold a $300 saw for $30. I would have sold it for more but she had the right idea: just get rid of it! Small appliances were also very popular.