7 steps to Get Organized before the Holiday Season Read it @HossMagazine–4M Margarita’s Manic Monday Minutes

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I wanted to bring your attention to a post that I wrote for Hoss Magazine.  It’s a list of 7 Steps to Getting Organized before the Busy Holiday Season! It’s a great little prep to get you started on tasks that will make the busy holiday season more manageable.  Whether you need to sync your calendar to that of your hubby, make some meals ahead of time or delegate some tasks to keep yourself sane, check out what I believe are essentials for getting organized before the holiday season…

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There is no question that we have now entered the beginning of the busy holiday season. As the leaves fall off the trees and the pumpkins get thrown away, we start gearing up for the busiest time of the year. There are so many things that we need to do to get that Christmas day ‘perfect’ that we sometimes don’t know where to start. There is no need to panic because with a little bit of planning and some pre-emptive work, I can help you get organized for the holidays in just seven easy steps.

1. Mark your calendar: Decide what events you are going to attend: Christmas concert, cookie exchange, family gathering, company parties, travel time and days off. Get your calendar out NOW and pencil in EVERYTHING. Sync your calendar to your spouse so they know where to be when. This will let you know when you need a quick meal or you have to bring something to an event.

2. Stock the freezer: Set aside one day to cook a bunch of meals for the next six weeks. Yes, really. Plan on being able to take something out of the freezer and make a meal of it. You can add fresh salads and vegetables to keep it all healthy. Think pasta sauces, casseroles, burgers and soups. Doubling and tripling recipes will make this all that much easier. This will save you time by NOT having to go to the grocery store.

3. Make a list and check it twice: This means actually writing down who you are giving gifts to and what they may need. If you’re really organized, you would have started last spring but for now, keep a list of people’s sizes (for clothing), favourite colour, music, beverage or sports team. These simple reminders, and an idea of what you want to get them, will help with the budget and with unnecessary– and expensive– last-minute shopping…

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Want more great holiday ideas?  You may want to check out the HOSS Magazine #HolidayChat Twitter Party with HGTV’s Scott McGillivray on Tuesday, December 1 at 8 pm.  No RSVP needed just show up and follow the #HolidayChat hashtag!

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About HOSS Magazine

HOSS magazine is the Homeowner’s Simple Solution! Is both an on-line and print magazine (available on newsstands six times a year).  A one stop shop for finding helpful, exciting and fun information to help you enjoy your home more! Elegant decor ideas, fun DIY projects, helpful technical information for homeowners and great renovation inspiration.  They also have guest contributors – from HGTV (including: Scott McGillivray and Bryan Baeumler to The Property Brothers, Jon and Drew Scott ). The on-line version is filled with quick tips, in-depth articles and how-to videos.

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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for DownshiftingPRO.com and other online media outlets.