Moving Out–Getting Ready for University of Ottawa LinenChest helps me equip my small space

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How many movies have a moving away scene; with the parents all teary-eyed, the van packed to the brim with boxes and a teenager making their final goodbyes before heading off to a distant city for a new life as a university/college student?  Really too many to count but as cliché as it seems, this fall I’ll be that excited and nervous teen “leaving the nest” and I’m sure it will be all too much just like the movies.

At the very end of August, I’ll be moving to Ottawa for post-secondary at the University of Ottawa.  I am really pleased with my decision as Ottawa gives me the opportunity to take my program in French immersion and also offers a CO-OP program.  Ottawa is a beautiful city and I am excited to see what adventures it has for me.

This, of course will be my first time living on my own which can make any teenager a little nervous but I think I’m ready for the challenge.  Having my own room, making my own plans, finding my own transportation and of course making my own food!  I’ll be sharing a kitchenette with the rest of my residence floor so I’ll have access to a fridge, microwave, stovetop and sink.

Linen Chest @DownshifitngPRO Kitchen Supplies_1

I am going to try and avoid too much fast food and make use of this kitchenette by making my own food, so I need a good amount of kitchen supplies like plates, cutlery, utensils and pans.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to steal anything from my parent’s kitchen without them noticing, so (not unfortunately) I get all new stuff!  I have made a list of things that I need to bring with me (which you can find at the end of this post).  Found the list on a website to help me gage what it is that I needed.  I add some items and took out some items but for the most part I know I have to hit a good Kitchen store to help me out.  I recently was able to check some items off the list after a trip to our local Linen Chest!

When my mom and I went to the Linen Chest a couple weeks ago we picked up some of the essentials to dorm living: 4 large plates, 4 small plates, 4 bowls, a mixing bowl, colander/strainer, a can/bottle opener, a juice carafe/water pitcher and some very handy silicone lids.  And of course, being the very colourful person that I am, everything is a very bright shade of blue, green, red or yellow!

Linen Chest @DownshifitngPRO Kitchen Supplies Luminarc_1

My plates and bowls are a bright shade of blue and are from the Luminarc summer collection.  They are ‘extra resistant’ to breaking, dishwasher safe,  microwaveable, extra durable, and ready for some late night snacking and clumsy falls.  And my mixing bowl and colander are a fresh shade of green and are ready for countless servings of pasta and salads.

Linen Chest @DownshifitngPRO Kitchen Supplies Trudeau

I also really love the Trudeau Silicone lids that we found at Linen Chest.  They are a great way to cover up left overs saving me some much needed cash on plastic wrap and wasted food.  You see I am hoping to buy a mini-fridge so I can keep a few things right in my room instead of the ‘common-area’ fridge.  I’ve read to avoid leaving things in there as they usually go missing.

Linen Chest @DownshifitngPRO Kitchen Supplies Trudeau _2

Overall we managed to get some great deals because they have an additional 20% off already reduced items so we scored all of this for less then $100 dollars so I still have enough money to pick a few more items.

Lauren’s List for the Kitchen:

  • Bottle opener ✓
  • Mugs
  • Glasses
  • Wine glasses
  • Shot glasses
  • Kettle
  • Knives, forks and spoons
  • Plates (both small and large) ✓
  • Bowls (for cereal, soup, ice cream, etc.) ✓
  • One-person casserole dish
  • Small frying pan
  • 1 small, 1 large saucepan with lids
  • Tin opener ✓
  • Scissors
  • Sharp cutting knife
  • Cutting board – An extra cutting if you are cutting meat.
  • Vegetable peeler
  • Cheese grater
  • Breadknife
  • Wooden spoon
  • Spatula
  • Sandwich bags
  • Tupperware
  • Plastic mixing owl ✓
  • Plastic Wrap/ Silicone lids ✓
  • Tin foil
  • Strainer ✓
  • Tea towels
  • Oven gloves
  • Washing-up stuff – Washing-up liquid / Dishcloth / Scrubbing brush
  • Tray – For carrying food to your room and to stop you making a mess if you’re not eating at a table
  • Chopsticks
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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for and other online media outlets.

18 thoughts on “Moving Out–Getting Ready for University of Ottawa LinenChest helps me equip my small space”

  1. It sounds like you have everything you need for your move. I bought my son new things, but mostly went through his grandma’s house to give him some of her dishes, etc. she must have 40 sets of dishes. My son either lost a lot of his kitchen things or people borrowed them and NEVER brought it back. Good luck to you.

  2. It’s in the movies so often for a reason, because it’s oh so true, lol. I remember that bittersweet moment when my two oldest left. It’s fun getting ready though!

    • Teri: This is my first going away. Problem is I am also a Pro. Organizer so things have to be organized and ready to go. If I start now, August won’t be so overwhelming.

  3. Back when I went off to college for the first time all we needed was linens and clothing! Everything else was kind of there–I don’t think I ever used the community kitchen back then (no microwaves) of course I am talking about 45 or so years ago! I know you will do just fine!

    • It is a different world. I know she won’t need everything on her list but we want to make sure she has the ability to make her own food if she wants. I know I was pretty happy to just have rice and veggies for dinner on some nights when I was in university.

      thanks for dropping by…

    • I think that the hand me downs come next year when she is in an apartment. Trust me, I wouldn’t be able to be this generous without the help of The Linen Chest. I love blogging!

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