Pamela’s Artisan Flour Blend adds a Gluten Free option to a Baking Classic–Review & Recipe #HealthyShopper

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I am a  big fan of The Healthy Shopper Spring and Fall choices.  I have been reviewing their products for  over a year now and to be honest with you, there has not been a product that they have introduced to me that I haven’t like.  It is all very high quality and delicious. Although I don’t have celiac disease, I always try and a find gluten free option that taste delicious. We did manage to get in a few product testing of Pamela’s Gluten Free Sugar cookies a few weeks ago.  It was the start of Christmas baking season gearing up to the fun Cookie Exchange.

My eldest daughter loves to bake.  I am very lucky because I am a terrible baker but she has managed to do some testing for me recently because I like to try a product before I write about it.  It has been a very busy fall and now I can tell you about her great efforts with the Artisan Flour.  It is gluten free and did a fine job.

Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014To say the least, I was surprised at how it all turned out.  I have had some problems with gluten in the past and I try (in vain) to keep flour at arms length.  I have not been very successful but I know it is best to try to minimize it as much as possible.  I loved that this fall’s Healthy Shopper favourites included the gluten free flour.  I have tried different flours before but have not had much success at baking with them.

 Gluten Free Options  from Pamela’s

Pamela’s Artisan flour blend was very different.  Although the batter seemed a bit heavy, I don’t really think that the cake ended up that way.  The cake is made with half the batter going in then the topping mid-way and final the last batch of dough and topping. I am happy to say that the Ponderosa Cake turned out almost exactly as the one my husband had baked a few months back.

I am so pleased that it turned out just like a regular cake (and not heavy and dense like other times that I had found a gluten free product. Whoo hoo! That is a ringing endorsement from me!



Here is the rest of the blog post that my daughter put together…

Holidays are a great time for catching up on things that you don’t usually get to do during day to day life. In my case, being in university and living in residence doesn’t give me the opportunity to cook and bake. I really don’t have the money or space for cooking and baking supplies, so when I come home it’s a real treat to be able to use an electrical mixer and have access to an actual dishwasher.

Only a week into the holidays and I’ve already taken advantage of my fully furnished kitchen. Today, the project was UBC Ponderosa cake, a moist banana and chocolate chip coffee cake named after the cafeteria by food services at my dad’s university, University of British Columbia. A popular snack on campus, it’s said to sell out after lunchtime and for good reason. It’s delicious!

It’s a great way to get rid of those ripe bananas that are just lying around and give bored kids something to work on over the holiday break. This delicious banana bread/chocolate chip muffin mash-up is great with tea or coffee. Hopefully I’ll be making another batch before I head back to Ottawa in the new year.

Here is the recipe:

U.B.C. Ponderosa Cake

  • 1 cup butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 3 cups mashed ripe bananas (about 4)
  • 3 cups all purpose flour (We used Pamela’s Gluten Free All Purpose Flour)
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1½ cups chocolate chips

Cream together butter and sugar, add eggs and beat well. Add vanilla and mashed banana. Mix until smooth.

Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 - batter   Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 - bananas

Combine flour, baking powder and baking soda and add to banana mixture alternately with the sour cream, ending with the dry ingredients. Spread half this batter into a greased 9×13” pan.

Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 - cake    Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 - Chocolate chips

Combine cinnamon and brown sugar, sprinkle half over the mixture in the pan. Top with half the chocolate chips. Repeat layers.

Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 cake   Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 - chipits toppings


Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. If you use a Pyrex pan bake at 325 degrees.


Pamela's Gluten Free Flour #Healthy Shopper Fall 2014 - Ponderosa Cake



About Pamela’s Products – Celebrating 26 years in the gluten-free product category, Pamela’s Products are “gluten free foods for everyone” and Pamela’s i s known for its delicious line of quality baking mixes, cookies, fig bar cookies and snack bars. As a pioneer in both natural foods and gluten-free products, Pamela’s maintains its leadership status in the industry and Pamela herself continues to personally develop each and every product recipe.

Disclosure: I have received the entire line of The Healthy Shopper 2014 Picks for my review.  No other compensation was received and I am happy to blog about these great products.  All opinions are my own and of my family.  I hope you will try some as I really do enjoy all of them!

I will have a couple more posts from the newest additions to the Healthy Shopper in the next few weeks including a fabulous Giveaway.  Stay tuned!

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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for and other online media outlets.

12 thoughts on “Pamela’s Artisan Flour Blend adds a Gluten Free option to a Baking Classic–Review & Recipe #HealthyShopper”

  1. Thanks for the recipe! Looks so good. I haven’t tried using any gluten free flours but glad to hear that this one worked out and the texture of the cake was not changed.

  2. I have a bag of Artisan flour blend in my pantry and was wondering what to do with it,well I am going to make this U.B.C. PONDEROSA CAKE.thanks

  3. Experimenting with different kinds of flour can be so much fun! My favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe uses both cake and bread flour. The texture is so different, but the combo is brilliant. That’s awesome that your cake turned out yummy with gluten free flour… seems like such a contradiction, but must be a huge blessing for those that have gluten intolerance!

  4. Gluten free baking definitely requires the right ingredients. We’ve tried rice flour and a few others for baking but having quite found the perfect alternative. I may give his a try after seeing how well your cake turned out. Thanks for sharing.

  5. The cake looks really great and glad to know your daughter enjoys baking, I could so relate to her having just finished my university and missing the simple things at home like electric mixer and/or dishwasher. I used to love baking (doing it again) but at uni it was hard to do that but now i have started working after uni i can bake all i want. I have not heard of this brand before but thanks for sharing

  6. How cool is this, I have always heard about gluten free flour and baking products but have never tried this. I bake cupcakes and stuff like that but I always used regular ingredients. I think gluten free would be a fun twist!

  7. I don’t have any problems with gluten, but I have a friend who does so it’s always challenging when having her over for dinner. So this is really great to know about, especially since I like to make my own bread. I’ll have to try this with a bread recipe. Thanks so much for the info!

  8. Finally, a gluten-free artisan flour from Pamela’s! This is exactly what I need for my gluten-free diet. I’m hoping to make this bread this Christmas and New Year. My friends would go gaga for it!

  9. A gluten-free flour is rare in our local market so what we buy instead is coconut flour that does not contain gluten as well. Baking with a different flour requires time for experimenting and testing. Good thing that yours turned out as a regular cake. Great job!

  10. we are not a gluten free family but you really make this recipe look as good as any recipe with gluten. I know there are benefits to eating gluten free and I could probably use to cook a little less. Many friends who have reduced gluten in their diets feel a lot better and full of energy.

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