Spring in Paris, France – Hotel, Shops,Bakery around Place Saint Ferdinand #Review

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In the spring I was in France and Spain with my daughter.  We had a wonderful time traveling and she got to experience Paris through my eyes (I lived in Paris for a year after graduating from high school).  I have a love of Paris that runs deep and no matter how often I return, it is never long enough.  We stayed in the 17th Arrondissement, close L’etoile (where the Arch de Triomphe is located). Our hotel had a great location and was quaint. By quaint I mean the room was fairly small but getting a reasonably priced room in Paris is almost impossible.

to the Here are a few pictures that I took of the shops and area surrounding the lovely hotel we stayed in.

Pars in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #TravelBlogger

View from Place Saint Ferdinand.  Our hotel was on rue, Saint Ferdinand but the view from our hotel was of the other street.

Pars in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #TravelBlogger

A small monument in the center of Place Saint Ferdinand.  Just a short, short walk from our hotel:

Paris in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #TravelBlogger

The Patisserie Boulangerie was just down the street from our hotel.
They also had salads and other yummy treats for a light dinner

Paris in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #Pasteries #Bakery #TravelBlogger

A Classic French Sandwich is a Croque Monsieur: Ham, Cheese, Béchamel sauce then covered in cheese and grilled. Truly not to be missed but should be heated for best taste.

Paris in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #Cheese #Wine #TravelBlogger

This Cheese Shope was exceptional and they also had a selection of wines to choose from. Pick up a bottle, some cheese and then a baguette at the Patisserie across the street.  You will not go wrong.

Paris in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #Cheese #Wine #TravelBlogger
Paris in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #Cheese #Wine #TravelBlogger

The selection of beverages was extensive.  So if you were not in the mood for beer or wine there were juices, water and pop to choose from.

Paris in ths Spring Time @DownshiftingPRO - Street Scene in the 17th Arrondisment of Paris. Near the Arc de Triomphe #Cheese #Wine #TravelBlogger

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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for DownshiftingPRO.com and other online media outlets.