Stop right there…Don’t just throw your knapsack into your closet! End of School Organizing

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KIDS WITH backpacks

With  the last day of school quickly approaching for many of us, we look forward to the end of school and the beginning of summer. Who doesn’t want to have a book burning party with a few friends.  Wait… that did not sound right… What I meant was what kid doesn’t want the summer to begin.right.away. I know it doesn’t seem this way but this is the best time to tackle the end of school organizing that you need to make your last week of summer perfect.  You see if you get a bit ahead of the game, you’ll be better prepared for that late August madness that is back to school shopping.   BUT before we go on vacation or even finish off the week, I have asked my kids to:

10 Tips to keep the clutter away

This is the perfect time to get ready for the first day of school in September…yes, you heard me, the first day of school.  Though some kids would considered this cruel and unusual punishment (to think about September school days), it is a good time to clear the clutter and put your stuff away.

So here is a quick list to review with your child once you open up that knapsack:

  1. Empty out the knapsack and throw out any unwanted items: you know what I mean – broken pencils, dried up markers, cut up erasers, broken rulers.
  2. Keep all the binders/copy books.  Keep these until the end of summer and have then quickly review what was covered last year.  This is good to do so that your kids have a ‘head start’ at the beginning of the year.
  3. Check to see that all math sets are complete: protractor, ruler, etc. put all items back into the box and back with the supplies. If any piece is missing make a note to pick it up sooner – rather then later.
  4. Wipe down any head sets or head phones that they use. If any are in disrepair either have it repaired or have it replaced.
  5. Put away any unused copybooks, loose leaf paper or binders that can be recycled for next year. Kids do not have to have ‘brand new’ everything in the fall. Use this as a good teaching moment.
  6. Clean gym clothes and gym bag (my kids have a school issued cloth bag that they store their gym stuff in. Once washed, it goes back in with the school knapsack)
  7. Keep a few prized tests, essays, drawings – place them in with the other ‘works of art’ from previous years – in a scrapbook, perhaps. Limit yourself to three to five pieces.  One they love, one you love and a couple of others that they loved working on, got a good grade on, or was a group project.
  8. Wash knapsack and lunch bag.
  9. Once it is all dry, replace all the copybooks/text books for a quick review at the end of August and supplies for September start.
  10. Enjoy the summer because you are all organized for the summer.

Don’t you feel better now that you have dealt with all that stuff that came rushing at you this afternoon.  I know I do!  Have a great FIRST WEEK OF SUMMER!

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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for and other online media outlets.

1 thought on “Stop right there…Don’t just throw your knapsack into your closet! End of School Organizing”

  1. I read this shortly after they announced that Ontario schools will not be reopening before the school year ends. Now you have me wondering about all the stuff that kids left in their desks, lockers, etc. When and how will they get it back? I’ve put it on the list of things I don’t need to worry about, but I’m curious!

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