4M–Fall Back– 16 things to do when you Change Clocks–Margarita’s Manic Monday Minutes

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TimeChange Check Up

It is here. It’s the time of year when you need to set your clock back one hour.   It has come and gone and now you need to check-in.  Twice a year you should be checking a few things and the best time to do it is when the clocks either ‘fall’ back in the fall or ‘spring’ forward in the spring.  This is the perfect time to revisit some of the items that I suggested in the spring and then add a few more for winter prep:

  1. Check all smoke alarms. Make sure you have both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor (including the basement).
  2. Have your furnace checked. Make sure it is ready for winter and that any possible problems are flagged.  You don’t want to be replacing that on Boxing Day in the middle of a snow storm.
  3. Check on fire extinguishers (one should be in the kitchen and garage).
  4. Check gas fireplace to ensure it is dust-free and clean.
  5. Wipe down all baseboards, window sills, door jams and mouldings.
  6. Clean Humidifiers, floor vents and bathroom ceiling fans.
  7. Clean all ceiling fans, light fixtures and light switches
  8. Vacuum behind furniture. Move the bed away from the wall, behind armoires or wardrobes, behind night tables and sofas.
  9. Deep clean carpets (rent a machine if you don’t already own one).
  10. Change out your bedding if you have fall/winter bedding.
  11. Rotate mattress and vacuum mattress, box spring and frame.
  12. Go through your clothes closet and donate any COATS for kids and adults (my daughter’s school called me to remind me that this is going on now).
  13. Check the eves troughs for leaves and debris.  The fall brings a lot of rain and you need to have those cleared out.
  14. Check all the vents in and around your home.  So the exhaust for your dryer vent… check that and clean out the lint
  15. Get your car checked.  Top up the oil, the windshield washer fluid. Have a full tune up and get ready to get those winter tires put on.
  16. Go to the doctor yourself.  I tend to have my annual check up in the fall.  Have your blood pressure checked, your breast examined (nothing to shy away from people), your blood work done.

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  So Get going on these small tasks and you can be done in a few minutes.  Trust me, it could save your life!

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Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for DownshiftingPRO.com and other online media outlets.

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